Olfa Nasraoui is full Professor of Computer Science & Engineering, endowed Chair of e-commerce, and the founding director of the Knowledge Discovery & Web Mining Lab, in the Speed School of Engineering at University of Louisville. She conducts research in machine learning, AI, and data science, in particular web mining, information retrieval and recommender systems; fairness and explainability in AI; and mining high dimensional, heterogeneous and evolving data streams.
She is a National Science Foundation CAREER award winner and twice winner of Best Paper Awards in the research area of machine learning and Fair AI. The first Best Paper Award is in Theoretical Developments in Computational Intelligence at Artificial Neural Network In Engineering (ANNIE 2001), on robust clustering algorithms for web usage mining. The second Best Paper Award is at KDIR 2018, for research on modeling and studying the impact of algorithmic bias in machine learning and recommender systems.
She has served as Primary Investigator or Co-Investigator for over 20 research grant projects, funded from diverse sources, including the National Science Foundation and NASA.
Olfa leads as PI the NSF funded ATHENA ADVANCE initiative for faculty equity at University of Louisville. She serves as Associate Editor for the Recommender Systems section of Frontiers in Big Data, and on the Editorial board of the International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing and Applied Intelligence. She has also served as Associate Editor for IEEE Access and guest editor for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.
She has served on the organizing and program committees of several conferences and workshops, including co-organizing the premier series of workshops on Web Mining, WebKDD 2004-2008, as part of ACM-KDD. She has also served as Program Committee Vice-Chair, Track Chair, or Senior Program Committee member for several data mining conferences including ACM RecSys, KDD, AAAI, IJCAI, ICDM, SDM, and CIKM. She is a member of ACM, ACM SIG-KDD, AAAS, and a senior member of IEEE.
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